The welfare and well being of the poor and downtrodden citizens are of utmost concern in any civilized society. Even though there are many institutional mechanisms in the form of social security schemes by the Government to help the poor, we are far away from the objective of fulfilling and providing the same to the poor and the needy. It is with a view to ameliorate the sufferings of the poor families having elderly people, physically handicapped and those suffering from various infirmities, we founded our prestigious project of Mercy Cop’s Monthly Pension Project Scheme (MCMPP) on January 2018.Under this project we provide a monthly payment of Rs.3,000/- each to 15 deserving families thereby giving them the much needed support to their day to day life. We understand that those families to whom we are providing assistance are at present solely dependent on our humble contribution. We further hope to enlarge this project by bringing in more poor families under this project by the cooperation, contribution and support from our members and like minded people.