This is one of the prestigious projects of mercy cops indenting to extent financial help to the poorest suffering from serious illness. This is the first project of Mercy Cops Charitable Trust out of the 7 in 2018, started in 15-08-2012. This project was implemented on 15-08-2012 itself by giving a financial aid of Rs. 1000/- to Sri. Mohanan, Age-52, Thrissur, who was suffering from diabetes at District Hospital, Thrissur. From its onward journey till August 2018, 509 patients could be helped under this project by giving a total amount of Rs. 53,20572/-(Fifty Three Lakhs Twenty Thousand Five Hundred and Seventy Two only). Application form for medical aid from Mercy Cops is available in the website of Mercy Cops ( The deserving applicants will be selected by the scrutinising committee every month. The amount sanctioned is remitted only to the bank accounts of the applicants or their nominees. In the normal case deserving applications will be selected only on the basis of priority. Director board has all the powers to overlook the list of priority considering the urgency, seriousness, level of poverty, nature of the recommendation of the contributors, scope of the development of trust etc. Partially/improperly/incorrectly filled up applications may be rejected without notice.